Chicken Cutlet with Lemon Mayonnaise and Arugula Sandwich

Last week was all about lemon, so you think I would change it up a little this week. Well, I meant to, but it seems that lemon snuck in with this Chicken Cutlet with Lemon Mayonnaise and Arugula Sandwich. How good does that sound, though?

There’s something about the summertime that makes me crave sandwiches and want to grill. Ideally, I combine grilling and sandwiches as much as possible. Since the weather isn’t being grill-friendly, I’m going to get half of my summertime urges met with this chicken sandwich that is made on the stove. I’m really looking forward to trying this recipe!

This Chicken Cutlet with Lemon Mayonnaise and Arugula Sandwich is the ultimate in flavor and crunch!

Recipe Author: Annie at Ciao Chow Bambina
Get the recipe

The Ingredients

Shopping for this chicken and arugula sandwich recipe was easy, and I found all of the ingredients at my local grocery store. Well, those that weren’t already in my pantry and refrigerator.

Although I could have bought four chicken cutlets, I followed the recipe’s instructions and bought two chicken breasts. Cutting them into cutlets was quick and easy, but you could buy cutlets instead to save some time and effort.

One thing I did splurge a little on was the bread. I bought French hamburger buns from the bakery for this recipe. Plain hamburger buns from the bread aisle just didn’t seem fancy enough.

Chicken Cutlet with Lemon Mayonnaise and Arugula Sandwich Ingredients
Chicken breasts, butter, mayonnaise, lemons, French hamburger buns, Italian seasoned breadcrumbs, grated parmesan cheese, arugula, and eggs

The Process

The instructions for this recipe were nice and easy to follow. The whole process went pretty smoothly from start to finish, and I had my chicken and arugula sandwiches made in 27 minutes.

The only slight issue that popped up was that I almost ran out of egg while breading the chicken. I thought I would need to add an extra beaten egg, but it turns out I had just enough to double-bread all four chicken cutlets. Whew!

One thing I did do that wasn’t in the recipe was use tongs while breading the chicken. I often use my bare hands for breading and reserve the tongs for frying, but then I end up with breaded fingertips. Yuck! This time I remembered my tongs for both steps (with a quick wash in between) and breading was much neater than I’m used to.

Breading the chicken cutlets
Breading the chicken cutlets

So how was it?

Clear & Accurate Directions
Accurate Time(s)
So it turns out that this Chicken Cutlet with Lemon Mayonnaise and Arugula Sandwich recipe is a new favorite in my house. The chicken fried up crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside, and the parmesan breading is delicious. But the star of the show here isn't the chicken, arugula, or the bread--it's the tangy, lemony mayonnaise that tops this sandwich. This quick and easy sandwich is ready in less than 30 minutes and tastes like much more work than it really is.
The Hungry Pinner
The Hungry Pinner
I'm Candice, and I'm The Hungry Pinner. I created this blog to share my love for cooking and my experiences with the MANY recipes I've found on Pinterest over the years. Join me as I blog my way through those recipes to find out if they are worth trying yourself.


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So it turns out that this Chicken Cutlet with Lemon Mayonnaise and Arugula Sandwich recipe is a new favorite in my house. The chicken fried up crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside, and the parmesan breading is delicious. But the star of the show here isn't the chicken, arugula, or the bread--it's the tangy, lemony mayonnaise that tops this sandwich. This quick and easy sandwich is ready in less than 30 minutes and tastes like much more work than it really is.Chicken Cutlet with Lemon Mayonnaise and Arugula Sandwich