Vanilla Cold Brew Overnight Oats

I’m not a morning person, so I need easy-to-make breakfasts. Make-ahead breakfasts like overnight oats are even better. I love the ease of simply reaching into my refrigerator for breakfast. Oh, and coffee. Gotta have my morning caffeine LOL! That’s why this Vanilla Cold Brew Overnight Oats recipe appealed to me. It’s a make-ahead breakfast with coffee in it. It’s also filled with loads of other healthy and tasty things, so I have to give this oatmeal recipe a try!

Coffee and breakfast all in one? These Vanilla Cold Brew Coffee Overnight Oats are the perfect breakfast combination! This recipe is simple, healthy and so delicious–all the fuel you need to start the day!

Recipe Author: Lorie Yarro at Lemons and Zest
Get the recipe

The Ingredients

I always do a pantry/refrigerator check before I go shopping to see if I have any of the recipe’s ingredients. This check came up with rolled oats, vanilla extract, maple syrup, chia seeds, and sea salt.

That left me to shop for just a few things. Milk was easy to find, and I opted for skim milk. I also found vanilla almond butter at my regular grocery store. I was thrilled! But I must have grabbed the wrong jar because I ended up with honey almond butter.

The recipe gives the option of using honey as a sweetener, so I figured this flavor would be fine. Also, it tasted great so I decided not to make an extra trip for the vanilla flavor.

Vanilla Cold Brew Overnight Oats Ingredients
Rolled oats, chia seeds, sea salt, vanilla extract, cold brew coffee, almond butter, maple syrup, and milk

The Process

So when I first mixed up this recipe, I made a single serving in the largest mug I have. I expected the oats to expand a lot as they absorbed the milk, so I wanted to give them plenty of room. I found out the next day that they didn’t expand much at all. In fact, the overnight oats only filled the 16-ounce mug halfway.

I made 3 more batches of Vanilla Cold Brew Overnight Oats to photograph. And eat of course! But this time I mixed them up in my 2-cup measuring cup and then put them into 8.1-ounce footed dessert dishes.

Unfortunately, a little milk spilled when I covered the dishes with plastic wrap, but they sure were cute! If I didn’t need to make them pretty for photos, I would have put the oats into my reliable (but less pretty) Snapware containers. They have sealed lids and are stackable to save room in the refrigerator.

Mixing the oatmeal ingredients in a large glass mug
Mixing the oatmeal ingredients in a large glass mug

So how was it?

Clear & Accurate Directions
Accurate Time(s)
These Vanilla Cold Brew Overnight Oats were a sweet, creamy breakfast that was healthy and easy to prepare. All I had to do was mix up the ingredients and refrigerate overnight (or for a minimum of 4 hours). It took me less than 5 minutes! The next morning's breakfast was as easy as reaching into the refrigerator for it. The portions seemed small, but I found that an 8-ounce serving of oatmeal was a nice size breakfast. With a cup of coffee, of course! I'm going to keep this recipe and try to prep a few servings at a time for those hectic mornings.
The Hungry Pinner
The Hungry Pinner
I'm Candice, and I'm The Hungry Pinner. I created this blog to share my love for cooking and my experiences with the MANY recipes I've found on Pinterest over the years. Join me as I blog my way through those recipes to find out if they are worth trying yourself.


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These Vanilla Cold Brew Overnight Oats were a sweet, creamy breakfast that was healthy and easy to prepare. All I had to do was mix up the ingredients and refrigerate overnight (or for a minimum of 4 hours). It took me less than 5 minutes! The next morning's breakfast was as easy as reaching into the refrigerator for it. The portions seemed small, but I found that an 8-ounce serving of oatmeal was a nice size breakfast. With a cup of coffee, of course! I'm going to keep this recipe and try to prep a few servings at a time for those hectic mornings.Vanilla Cold Brew Overnight Oats