Rosemary Potatoes with Roasted Heads of Garlic

I adore garlic and roasting it is my favorite way to make it. Not only does it taste good, but you don’t have to peel the cloves. Add some fresh herbs and white wine, and I’m hooked. There’s no way I could resist trying this recipe for rosemary potatoes.

This wonderful dish is great for a cookout. I’ve even made it while camping, cooked over a charcoal grill. Squeeze the roasted cloves of garlic over your potatoes or on crusty buttered chunks of French bread. A taste sensation!

Recipe Author: Dotty Snyder Grohman at
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The Ingredients

This is another recipe that doesn’t have many ingredients. None of the ingredients were expensive or difficult to find, either. This is never a bad thing! Some of my favorite recipes have very short lists of ingredients and are easy to prepare.

Rosemary Potatoes with Roasted Heads of Garlic Ingredients
New potatoes, garlic, rosemary, white wine and olive oil

The Process

Prepping this dish went fast, and I was ready to get started in 9 minutes instead of the 15 listed. That may be due to the fact that I halved the recipe since it’s just the 2 of us. Even so, we got 4 servings out of this dish.

I used an 8-inch pyrex baking dish, and it was a perfect size. (I’m thinking my larger 9' x 13' baking dish would have worked if I hadn’t cut the recipe in half.) Assembly was pretty much just throwing everything into the baking dish and popping that into the oven. You don’t even need to stir anything!

The cooking time was pretty much on the money (45 minutes). I think they could be left in for a little longer if you like your potatoes browned more. Another option would be to place the rack a tad higher in the oven. I used the middle rack since it wasn’t specified.

Just before going into the oven
Just before going into the oven

So how was it?

Clear & Accurate Directions
Accurate Time(s)
I loved, loved, loved these rosemary potatoes! The author is right: They are a taste sensation. They're quick to prep, and cooking is as simple as putting a dish into a preheated oven. The roasted garlic is the standout taste, but it doesn't mask the fresh rosemary or the potatoes. The addition of the white wine gave created a sauce with a vaguely tangy flavor. It was just delicious with leftover pork tenderloin!
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The Hungry Pinner
The Hungry Pinner
I'm Candice, and I'm The Hungry Pinner. I created this blog to share my love for cooking and my experiences with the MANY recipes I've found on Pinterest over the years. Join me as I blog my way through those recipes to find out if they are worth trying yourself.


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I loved, loved, loved these rosemary potatoes! The author is right: They are a taste sensation. They're quick to prep, and cooking is as simple as putting a dish into a preheated oven. The roasted garlic is the standout taste, but it doesn't mask the fresh rosemary or the potatoes. The addition of the white wine gave created a sauce with a vaguely tangy flavor. It was just delicious with leftover pork tenderloin!Rosemary Potatoes with Roasted Heads of Garlic