I had plenty of raspberries left after the Raspberry Orange Smoothie Bowl I tried last week. That means another raspberry recipe, but this time I’m trying a regular drinkable smoothie. This one had such beautiful photos, and I have never tried making an ombre smoothie. Or an ombre anything, for that matter. It looks like a simple recipe, but I’m so excited to see how if I can pull off the ombre effect. Wish me luck!
If you’re looking for a smoothie that is balanced enough to have for breakfast but also hits the spot taste-wise, then look no further than my Raspberry Banana Smoothie Recipe.
The Ingredients
Like I said, I had plenty of raspberries left over from my last recipe thanks to finding them on sale. I also happened to pick up some vanilla almond milk and bananas on the same shopping trip.
A quick search through my pantry and I found the almond butter, hemp seeds, rolled oats, and even the vanilla protein powder. I had everything I needed to make this Banana Raspberry Smoothie recipe!

The Process
I began this recipe with fresh fruit, so I had a little extra prep work to do. No biggie, though. The banana had to be peeled and cut up, and the raspberries needed to be measured. Then I bagged them up and froze them overnight.
Tip: Cut the bananas into quarters before freezing. It makes measuring them for smoothies easy. Four pieces for recipes with one banana, two pieces for recipes that call for half a banana, etc.

I tried this Banana Raspberry Smoothie recipe for lunch the next day. It began with making the light-colored banana smoothie base. Most of the ingredients made up the base along with half of the almond milk.
The next step read, “Divide half of the smoothie mixture between two glasses and return blender to motor”. I misunderstood and divided it evenly between the glasses so none was left in the blender. Then I proceeded to add the raspberries and remaining almond milk to blend up the pink half.

Step three begins with “To the remaining banana smoothie mixture…”, and that should have clued me in. Unfortunately, I didn’t catch it until I sat down to write about my experience. I just thought my smoothie just happened to have a brighter pink color, but that wasn’t it.
What I should have done was add 1/4 of the banana mixture to each glass and then return the blender to the motor/base with half still in the pitcher. That would have given me a lighter pink smoothie like the one in the recipe’s photo.
Despite that mistake, I was now ready to try the ombre. I gave it a stir using the handle of a spoon, and I quickly had a beautiful swirl. It sort of had an ombre effect, but not quite. Even so, I was happy with the beautiful effect, and my Banana Raspberry Smoothies were very tasty!
This recipe listed a total time of 10 minutes. Here’s how my time was spent:
- 4 minutes to make the banana smoothie
- 1 minutes to make the raspberry smoothie
- 2 minutes to swirl/ombre the smoothies
- 7 minutes total