Grilled Vegetable Salad

I like vegetables, but I don’t get excited when I think about them. It’s not that I don’t like them, they just don’t do it for me like a juicy steak or a big plate of pasta (preferably with seafood!). But grilled vegetables are another story! There’s just something magical about grilling over an open flame that makes everything taste a little better, and vegetables are no exception. That’s why I decided to give this Grilled Vegetable Salad a try. Well, that and the delicious goat cheese topping. Cheese also makes everything better, so grilling plus cheese must equal nirvana, right? I have a feeling there’s a grilled cheese pun in there, but I”m gonna leave it alone. I have a theory to test!

If you love grilled vegetables and want to elevate them a notch check out this grilled vegetable salad.

Recipe Author: Courtney at Love & Good Stuff
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The Ingredients

With a short list of easy-to-find ingredients, shopping for this Grilled Vegetable Salad recipe was a snap. I had salt, pepper, and olive oil on hand. I also had red onions, so I threw one in. The recipe just says onion, so I assumed I had the option to select the type I prefer.

I hit up the produce section for most of the ingredients, the canned aisle for the pesto, and the deli for the goat cheese. The only thing I didn’t find was the avocado oil. They were out, but I had extra virgin olive oil in my pantry and used that instead since the recipe does say to use the cooking oil of your choice.

Grilled Vegetable Salad Ingredients
Eggplant, zucchini, red bell pepper, red onion, soft goat cheese, salt, cremini mushrooms, pesto, and black pepper

The Process

I started things off by preheating my grill. I knew the smaller mushrooms would fall through the grate, so I preheated my grill wok too. It saved the small vegetables from becoming charred crumbs in the ash pan.

A bit of chopping and slicing was next, but it wasn’t too bad. The instructions are nice and specific about how to cut everything up. It wasn’t specified, but I decided to stem the mushrooms. It’s a nice touch if you have the time since the stems can be tough.

The directions say to brush the vegetables with olive oil, but I opted for my trusty oil sprayer because it’s easier and more thorough. Then I flipped everything and repeated oiling and seasoning.

Sliced vegetables seasoned with olive oil, sea salt, and pepper
Sliced vegetables seasoned with olive oil, sea salt, and pepper

Now it was time to grill! I’m glad I have a large grill because it had just enough room for everything to grill at the same time. I had to add the onions to the grill wok, but that worked out perfectly. Some of them fell apart after I lifted them with my tongs, and the rings would have fallen through the grate.

The instructions say to grill for 7-8 minutes, flipping about halfway through. I usually like to start with the shortest time, but I went with 8 minutes. The mushrooms and red bell peppers were done after that, but the rest needed some extra time. I flipped them a second time and added 2 more minutes to the cooking time.

Grilling the vegetables
Grilling the vegetables

Once I brought everything back inside, I arranged the grilled vegetables on a 15-inch serving platter. I added dollops of pesto and soft goat cheese throughout.

I had this lovely Grilled Vegetable Salad ready in less than half an hour, even with the extra time on the grill. Here’s how it went:

  • 18 minutes to prep (includes time to assemble)
  • 10 minutes to cook
  • 28 minutes total

So how was it?

Clear & Accurate Directions
Accurate Time(s)
I absolutely loved this Grilled Vegetable Salad! There's just something magical about grilling over an open flame that makes everything taste a little better. Add some goat cheese and pesto, and wow! The instructions were nice and clear, and I didn't have any problems with the prep, cooking, or assembly. Grilling was a little tricky, though. My grill wok saved the smaller items from falling through the grate, and I'm so glad I thought of it. The timing was also a little off. The mushrooms and red bell pepper cooked in the time stated, but the onions and zucchini took a couple of extra minutes. The eggplant looked good, but the center wasn't quite done. Thinner slices or a little more time would have fixed that. Still, the salad was delicious, and I enjoyed it very much. In fact, I reheated the leftovers and ate them in a pita for healthy lunches over the next couple of days.
The Hungry Pinner
The Hungry Pinner
I'm Candice, and I'm The Hungry Pinner. I created this blog to share my love for cooking and my experiences with the MANY recipes I've found on Pinterest over the years. Join me as I blog my way through those recipes to find out if they are worth trying yourself.


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I absolutely loved this Grilled Vegetable Salad! There's just something magical about grilling over an open flame that makes everything taste a little better. Add some goat cheese and pesto, and wow! The instructions were nice and clear, and I didn't have any problems with the prep, cooking, or assembly. Grilling was a little tricky, though. My grill wok saved the smaller items from falling through the grate, and I'm so glad I thought of it. The timing was also a little off. The mushrooms and red bell pepper cooked in the time stated, but the onions and zucchini took a couple of extra minutes. The eggplant looked good, but the center wasn't quite done. Thinner slices or a little more time would have fixed that. Still, the salad was delicious, and I enjoyed it very much. In fact, I reheated the leftovers and ate them in a pita for healthy lunches over the next couple of days. Grilled Vegetable Salad