Strawberry Shrimp Ceviche Cocktail

Well, another year has passed, and it sure seemed to go by fast! This time of year is full of mixed emotions for me, but I try to keep positive. I tend to look back and try to celebrate the good things that happened while looking forward to the coming year. With that in mind, I wanted my last post of 2021 to be something fun, healthy, and new. This Strawberry Shrimp Ceviche Cocktail sounds like it encompasses all those things. It’s colorful, filled with fruit and veg, and I have never made ceviche before. Plus I have to find out if strawberries and shrimp work—it’s so weird that the combo might work!

Strawberry Shrimp Ceviche Cocktails are fresh, healthy with the perfect blend of sweet, savory, and a little spice! Made with Fresh Florida Strawberries, this appetizer is sure to start the year and any party off with elegance and lots of flavor!

Recipe Author: Nikki at Soulfully Made
Get the recipe

The Ingredients

This Strawberry Shrimp Ceviche Cocktail recipe has a long-ish list of 15 ingredients, and most of them are fresh items from the produce section. There are a few pantry staples in the dressing, and I was fortunate enough to have them all.

I even had leftover peeled, de-veined, cooked shrimp in my freezer! They were medium-size (41-50 per pound), and that size ensured most every bite has at least one shrimp in it. They did have the tails on, though, and I highly recommend removing them before mixing into the ceviche.

As far as produce goes, I easily found everything needed, but I over-bought. Most of the quantities were given in cups and tablespoons, and it’s hard to judge quantities that way.  Here’s what I used:

  • 1/4 red onion
  • 1 jalapeno pepper (1/2 for ceviche and 1/2 for dressing)
  • 1/2 cucumber (or 1 if you can’t find jicama)
  • 1 thin slice of jicama
  • 1 small Haas avocado
  • 16 ounces (1 pound) strawberries
  • 1 plum tomato
Strawberry Shrimp Ceviche Cocktail Ingredients
Cilantro, cucumber, red onion, avocado, lime, plum tomatoes, jalapeno pepper, olive oil, jicama, strawberries, peeled and deveined shrimp, white wine vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, honey, and salt

The Process

I always thought ceviche was made with raw seafood that was marinated in citrus juice for a long time to “cook” it. However, this recipe uses a more modern method that’s quicker and resembles a cold salad. Here’s how my time was spent:

  • 14 minutes to prep
  • 30 minutes to marinate (6 minutes to finish prep during)
  • 44 minutes total

I started things off by putting the frozen shrimp into a large bowl of cold water so they could thaw, then I got started on the dressing. It involved a little chopping, but mostly it was adding everything to a blender and blending. I used my bullet blender, but a mini-prep would have also worked.

Prepping the fruit and vegetables
Prepping the fruit and vegetables

With the dressing prepped, it was time to start on the rest of the produce. I got my zen on and took my time peeling, chopping, and measuring the ingredients in Step 2. It was really peaceful, and I was done before I knew it.

The shrimp were thawed by this time, so I drained them, mixed them in, and put the mixing bowl into the refrigerator to marinate. I finished chopping the strawberries and cilantro next, then all I had to do was wait for the timer to go off.

The final step was gently mixing the strawberries and cilantro with the rest of the ceviche. The avocado was very soft, and I wanted to keep it from getting smooshed too badly. Then it was into some champagne saucers for a cute presentation, and voila! I have made ceviche for the first time ever, and it was easy!!

Mixing the shrimp, vegetables, and dressing
Mixing the shrimp, vegetables, and dressing

So how was it?

Clear & Accurate Directions
Accurate Time(s)
I went into this thinking 'strawberries and shrimp, really?' After trying this Strawberry Shrimp Ceviche Cocktail, it's more like 'strawberries and shrimp!!' Everything went together so well, and that dressing! It was sweet and tart and just delicious. The flavor of each bite is a little different, but it's all good. And this is coming from someone who hates raw tomato and barely tolerates avocado and jicama. This ceviche was so good that I still ate every morsel. Making it was pretty simple, and the instructions were easy to follow. About 15 minutes of active time plus 30 minutes to marinate made a beautiful appetizer, if I do say so myself!
The Hungry Pinner
The Hungry Pinner
I'm Candice, and I'm The Hungry Pinner. I created this blog to share my love for cooking and my experiences with the MANY recipes I've found on Pinterest over the years. Join me as I blog my way through those recipes to find out if they are worth trying yourself.


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I went into this thinking 'strawberries and shrimp, really?' After trying this Strawberry Shrimp Ceviche Cocktail, it's more like 'strawberries and shrimp!!' Everything went together so well, and that dressing! It was sweet and tart and just delicious. The flavor of each bite is a little different, but it's all good. And this is coming from someone who hates raw tomato and barely tolerates avocado and jicama. This ceviche was so good that I still ate every morsel. Making it was pretty simple, and the instructions were easy to follow. About 15 minutes of active time plus 30 minutes to marinate made a beautiful appetizer, if I do say so myself!Strawberry Shrimp Ceviche Cocktail