Skinny Ambrosia Fruit Salad

Today is National Ambrosia Day, so Happy National Ambrosia Day! Yes, there really is a day for ambrosia, and I thought I would celebrate it this year. Or at least make an ambrosia salad. I was all set to make the traditional version with marshmallows, whipped cream, and coconut when I happened upon this Skinny Ambrosia Fruit Salad recipe. It’s not the ambrosia salad I’m used to, but it is full of fruit and sounds much healthier. Healthy and dessert don’t always go together for me, but I have high hopes for this recipe!

Thіs Skіnny Ambrоsіa Fruіt Salad cоmbіnеs 5 typеs оf swееt fruіt wіth a dеlіcіоus Grееk yоgurt drеssіng – thе pеrfеct hеalthy way tо drеss up yоur plaіn fruіt salad!

Recipe Author: Novi Barrows at Comfort is Better
Get the recipe

The Ingredients

The good news is I had the vanilla and sugar. The sort of bad news was I had to shop for everything else. But I expected that considering that I don’t keep a lot of canned fruit around, I only buy plain yogurt when a recipe calls for it, and I don’t keep that much fresh fruit around.

Oh, and about the sugar. The recipe says to use Truvia® Sugar Blend or regular sugar. I couldn’t find the Truvia® locally, but I wasn’t too upset since I find sugar alternatives very hit and miss. Mostly miss as I think they have a strange aftertaste (How I wish they didn’t!). I did find it on Amazon, but I decided to go with sugar since I like it better. That and I didn’t want to have a $12+ bag of sugar substitute sitting in my pantry until the end of time if I hated it.

Skinny Ambrosia Salad Ingredients
Grapes, strawberries, Mandarin orange segments, Greek yogurt, pineapple chunks, sugar, and blueberries

The Process

You know I love easy recipes, and this recipe was just spectacularly easy to make. A little measuring, opening a couple of cans, slicing some strawberries, and voila! I had my Skinny Ambrosia Salad ready 8 minutes after I started.

And if I had been thinking ahead, I would have just mixed it up in the serving bowl instead of using 2 mixing bowls. Live and learn. But I can tell you washing that extra bowl was worth it–this salad so good it’s hard to believe it’s healthy!

Quartering the strawberries
Quartering the strawberries

So how was it?

Clear & Accurate Directions
This Skinny Ambrosia Fruit Salad is so good that I can't believe it's healthy! The combination of 5 types of fruit with a sweet Greek yogurt dressing is so crave-able that I don't think it's going to last very long in this house. And not only is it tasty and healthy, but it's also super easy to make! A little measuring, opening a couple of cans, slicing some strawberries, and I had my ambrosia salad ready in a mere 8 minutes.
The Hungry Pinner
The Hungry Pinner
I'm Candice, and I'm The Hungry Pinner. I created this blog to share my love for cooking and my experiences with the MANY recipes I've found on Pinterest over the years. Join me as I blog my way through those recipes to find out if they are worth trying yourself.


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This Skinny Ambrosia Fruit Salad is so good that I can't believe it's healthy! The combination of 5 types of fruit with a sweet Greek yogurt dressing is so crave-able that I don't think it's going to last very long in this house. And not only is it tasty and healthy, but it's also super easy to make! A little measuring, opening a couple of cans, slicing some strawberries, and I had my ambrosia salad ready in a mere 8 minutes. Skinny Ambrosia Fruit Salad