Elderflower Spanish Gin and Tonics

If you don’t read my blog regularly, you might not know that I’m kind of into gin and tonics. Like a lot. and the funny thing is that I never imagined there would be much variation in this classic cocktail before I started this blog. I mean, it’s gin and tonic water with some ice and lime. What else is there? Turns out there’s plenty, yet another one is this Elderflower Spanish Gin and Tonics recipe. I’ve tried Spanish Gin Tonics, and I’ve even tried a G&T with grapefruit, so I’m very curious to find out if combining them will be a Pinterest success or failure. Only one way to find out…

Recently, I have been seeing Spanish style Gin & Tonics pop up on menus and they have changed the G&T game for me! England can take credit for the creation of the original, but the Spanish used their sense for flair to make this classic drink really shine!

Recipe Author: Ashley Rose at Craft and Cocktails
Get the recipe

The Ingredients

I usually have a few ingredients in my pantry, and that was the case with this recipe. You’d think I had the gin and maybe the tonic water since I’m such an avid gin and tonic fan, but you would be wrong. No, the only item I had on hand was the dried juniper berries. Weird, huh?

That left me to shop for everything else, and that meant a couple of trips. My regular grocery store had grapefruit and rosemary, of course. They also had Fevertree Tonic Water, but not the elderflower flavor. That and the St. George Botanivore Gin required a trip to Total Wine.

Elderflower Spanish Gin and Tonics Ingredients
St. George Botanivore Fin, juniper berries, rosemary sprigs, Fevertree Elderflower Tonic, and pink grapefruit

The Process

This drink was quick and easy to make once all the prep work was done (and I use the term “work” loosely). First up was the ice. I’m the kind of person who usually gets my ice from the dispenser without another thought, but that’s changing. Larger ice cubes take longer to melt, allowing you to sip your cocktail longer. This is a good thing, so I now keep a couple of ice cube trays in the freezer just for these occasions (and I’m not a great planner LOL).

You also have to chill the glass you plan to use for half an hour. It sounds like a small thing you could skip, but trust the recipe here! A chilled glass makes a big difference for pretty much any cold beverage and especially cocktails.

Next up, gather your ingredients and supplies. It’s a short list, especially the supplies: a knife to cut the grapefruit and a measuring glass or jigger. This drink is mixed in the glass, so all you need is something to measure the gin.

I didn’t even measure the tonic water. Instead, I added all the other ingredients and poured the tonic over them until the glass was filled. It took most of the bottle and I’m sure was close enough to the six ounces listed in the recipe.

Tip: Add the grapefruit before adding the ice. It was a little difficult to get the slices into the glass after filling it with ice cubes.

Slicing the pink grapefruit
Slicing the pink grapefruit

So how was it?

Clear & Accurate Directions
Accurate Time(s)
This is easily the smoothest gin and tonic I have ever tried! The aromatic rosemary is the first thing I noticed, and it only added to the experience. I loved the botanical gin, and the touch of elderflower softened the bitterness of the tonic just enough. A little citrus pop from the pink grapefruit was a nice finish. The only ingredient I didn't notice was the juniper berries unless you count having to spit them out towards the end of the cocktail. This drink was easy to make, though, and I really appreciated the extra tip to chill the glass. It made it possible to sip slowly and really enjoy the taste and scent. Not to mention that the garnishes made this incredible cocktail just beautiful. This is definitely going to become a favorite recipe!
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The Hungry Pinner
The Hungry Pinnerhttps://www.hungrypinner.com
I'm Candice, and I'm The Hungry Pinner. I created this blog to share my love for cooking and my experiences with the MANY recipes I've found on Pinterest over the years. Join me as I blog my way through those recipes to find out if they are worth trying yourself.


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This is easily the smoothest gin and tonic I have ever tried! The aromatic rosemary is the first thing I noticed, and it only added to the experience. I loved the botanical gin, and the touch of elderflower softened the bitterness of the tonic just enough. A little citrus pop from the pink grapefruit was a nice finish. The only ingredient I didn't notice was the juniper berries unless you count having to spit them out towards the end of the cocktail. This drink was easy to make, though, and I really appreciated the extra tip to chill the glass. It made it possible to sip slowly and really enjoy the taste and scent. Not to mention that the garnishes made this incredible cocktail just beautiful. This is definitely going to become a favorite recipe!Elderflower Spanish Gin and Tonics